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RaveReport problem

[es] :: Pascal / Delphi / Kylix :: RaveReport problem

[ Pregleda: 2679 | Odgovora: 3 ] > FB > Twit

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Novi Sad

Član broj: 94548
Poruke: 133

+3 Profil

icon RaveReport problem30.06.2006. u 22:47 - pre 218 meseci
Interesuje me da li neko zna kako da pravim "dinamicke" izvestaje, bar ja to tako zovem... da mi se recimo suma svih polja nalazi na kraju izvestaja iz tabele... jer ovo sto ja sada znam da uradim je da fiksiram tu sumu koju vuce iz forma iz jednog edita i ako se tabela proteze preko dve strane (velicina tabele mi je isto definisana) onda ce se taj fiksni podatak o sumi nalaziti na obe strane... Znaci meni treba da ide tabela ma koliko ona bila dugacka a da se na kraju ispise i ta sume... posle nje... pokusavao sam na neke nacine iz tutorijala ali mi nije pomoglo...
I jos, ako neko zna interesuje me kako mogu uvuci sliku iz nekog image-a u rave i postaviti ga kao background.
Odgovor na temu

virtual zubo
Zoran Jovic

Član broj: 20202
Poruke: 72


icon Re: RaveReport problem13.07.2006. u 09:27 - pre 218 meseci
potrazi i skini sa neta : ravedevguide5.pdf i RaveScripting.pdf
gde imas detaljno opisano kako iz delphija mozes da kreiras izvestaje dinamicki tj da ni ne otvoris rave.
Ima da se napises koda u delphiju, al ako bas hoces dinamicki to ti je to.
Odgovor na temu

Novi Sad

Član broj: 94548
Poruke: 133

+3 Profil

icon Re: RaveReport problem13.07.2006. u 22:25 - pre 218 meseci
Onaj prvi sam nasao ali ovaj drugi ne mogu... jel imas mozda link za RaveScripting.pdf?
Odgovor na temu

virtual zubo
Zoran Jovic

Član broj: 20202
Poruke: 72


icon Re: RaveReport problem14.07.2006. u 08:03 - pre 218 meseci
Ne, ali mislim da ti ni ne treba, ovaj sto si skinuo ti je vazan za ono sto ti treba. Ravescripting.pdf (ima 2 strane) objasnjava kako se pisu skriptovi u Rave reportu (sto mislim da treba izbegavati ako je ikako moguce), evo ti ono sto je bitno mozda ce jos nekome da zatreba:

Scripting Syntax guide
If statement
if condition then
elseif condition then

For loop
for index := start to finish do

for index := start downto finish do

While loop
while condition do

Repeat loop
until condition;

With statement
with object do

Break, Continue and Exit function similar to Delphi.
Variables may be declared similar to Delphi. The following types are supported:
Boolean, Shortint (-128 to 127), Byte (0 to 255), SmallInt (-32768 to 32767), Word (0 to 65535), Integer (32 bit
signed integer), Single (4 byte float), Double (8 byte float), Extended, Currency, Char and String.
Standard functions
function ShowMessage(S1: string);
function IntToStr(I1: integer): string;
function StrToInt(S1: string): Integer;
function StrToIntDef(S1: string; Default: Integer): Integer;
function StrToFloat(S1: string): Extended;
function FloatToStr(E1: extended): string;
function Copy(S1: string; Index,Count: integer): string;
function Delete(var S1: string; Index, Count:Integer);
function Insert(Source: string; var S1: string; Index: integer);
function Length(S1: string): Integer;
function Pos(Substr: string; S1: string): Integer;
function Compare(S1, S2: string): Integer;
function CompareCase(S1,S2: string): Integer;
function Trim(S1: string): string;
function TrimLeft(S1: string): string;
function TrimRight(S1: string): string;
function MakeStr(Ch: char; Count: integer): string;
function UpperCase(S1: string): string;
function LowerCase(S1: string): string;
function Chr(X: byte): char;
function CurrToStr(Value: currency): string;
function StrToCurr(S1: string): currency;
function DateTimeToStr(DateTime: TDateTime): string;
function StrToDateTime(S1: string): TDateTime;
function DateToStr(Date: TDateTime): string;
function StrToDate(S1: string): TDateTime;
function TimeToStr(Time: TDateTime): string;
function StrToTime(S1: string): TDateTime;
function Abs(X: integer): integer;
function AbsExt(X: extended): extended;
function ArcTan(X: extended): extended;
function Cos(X: extended): extended;
function Sin(X: extended): extended;
function Exp(X: extended): extended;
function Frac(X: extended): extended;
function Ln(X: extended): extended;
function Round(X: extended): integer;
function Trunc(X: extended): integer;
function Odd(X: integer): boolean;
function Pi: extended;
function Random(Range: integer): integer;
function Randomize;
function Sqr(X: extended): extended;
function Sqrt(X: extended): extended;
function Beep;
function Date: TDateTime;
function DayOfWeek(Date: TDateTime): integer;
function BreakupDate(Date: TDateTime; var Year, Month, Day: word);
function BreakupTime(Time: TDateTime; var Hour, Min, Sec, MSec: word);
function CreateDate(Year, Month, Day: word): TDateTime;
function CreateTime(Hour, Min, Sec, MSec: word): TDateTime;
function Now: TDateTime;
function QuotedStr(Value: string; Quote: char): string;
Standard Classes
Please refer to the *.RVS files in the Rave5\Source folder for which properties and methods of the Rave classes are
available. These source files are written in Rave script and are compiled with the RaveCC compiler to produce the .RVC
files that are used directly by Rave.

Dakle samo osnovne stvari iz sintakse skrpita i popis funkcija koje mozes da koristis, a dalje je na tebi.
Odgovor na temu

[es] :: Pascal / Delphi / Kylix :: RaveReport problem

[ Pregleda: 2679 | Odgovora: 3 ] > FB > Twit

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