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Član broj: 19938
Poruke: 1139

+4 Profil

icon Re: The Disclosure Project , teorije o kontaktu sa vanzemaljcima25.07.2009. u 13:24 - pre 181 meseci
NoneVi: Ti očigledno ne shvataš da dok se nepojavi ČVRST dokaz da je sve ovo samo sviranje suncu.

Evo svrstog dokaza:


That’s what I’m telling you: we have been visited.

I ne samo jednog.
Ovaj je nekoliko puta ponovio istu recenicu.
Odgovor na temu

Novi Sad

Član broj: 116972
Poruke: 17

+24 Profil

icon Re: The Disclosure Project , teorije o kontaktu sa vanzemaljcima26.07.2009. u 07:52 - pre 181 meseci
zaraza:That’s what I’m telling you: we have been visited.

Sad sam totalno ubeđen da je sve što on, bil majers, onaj ludak što tumači sumerske tablice, onaj crnac što mu se javljaju po želji i slični apsolutna istina. A vi šo sumnjate i dalje, samo čekajte 21.12.2012, pa ćemo videti ko će se smejati!!! Niburu is coming!
On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero.
Odgovor na temu

Ankalagon the Black

Član broj: 126324
Poruke: 24

+250 Profil

icon Re: The Disclosure Project , teorije o kontaktu sa vanzemaljcima26.07.2009. u 08:53 - pre 181 meseci
Barem niko ne preporucuje Dr. Edgar Mitchellu jeftiniji kucni teleskop kako bi se bolje uverio da nas vanzemaljci ne posecuju. I niko ga do sada ne naziva "patoloskim lazovom". Ja bih to nazvao izuzetnim napretkom. :)

And now something completely different :)


Ovo je THE gathering of who is who in the UFO scene USA and Europe wide.

A New Paradigm for a World in Crisis

On the 25th & 26th of July, 2009, there will be an event that will mark a milestone in Spain and will set a precedent in Europe. It will be the occasion in which the leaders and propulsors of disclosure of the extraterrestrial presence by all of the world's governments, european as well as the U.S., will meet in a historic summit in Barcelona.

Right now we're in a moment of deep transformation in planetary awareness in which big changes are taken place, and many more are yet to come. Any transformation that's important entails (hard to avoid) a profound crisis; and this crisis is, without a doubt, undermining the foundations of our civilization. Nevertheless, we are faced with an opportunity without precedent to approach a new developmental paradigm. We, and only we, the citizens of this planet, have the responsibility and the opportunity to change the course of history.

The Exopolitics paradigm, is the paradigm of the 21st century, in which life does not end in geospatial orbit, as it was understoood until now, but instead life extends way beyond that orbit. This fact profoundly changes our current understanding of Life, transforming the foundations of our civilization. As Alfred L. Webre asserts, “the truest conception of our human circumstance may be that we are on an isolated planet in the midst of a populated, evolving, highly organized inter-planetary, inter-galactic, multi-dimensional Universe society ”. If this is true, and there exists enough evidence to support it, then this has many and profound implications on our civilization right here on Earth.

Nations like France, England, Canada, Ireland, Denmark, Ecuador, Mexico, Brazil, Peru, Chile, among others, have and are declassifying their files on unidentified flying objects (ufos). Statements like Nobutaka Machimura's, the spokesperson for the japanese government, in which he concedes that he 'definitely' believes in ufos (19/12/2007). The Vatican recently (13/05/2008) declared that the christian faith does not impede believing in extraterrestrials; astronautas like Dr. Edgar Mitchell stated before the press that there has already been contact with extraterrestrials (24/07/2008); personalities like Nick Pope declared to the international press that, in the 80's, the british government issued combat pilots with orders to shoot down ufos, with no success in their attempts (26/01/2009). We could continue with numerable news from around the globe's press that will clearly indicate that an important change is taking place on the subject of extraterrestrial life.

We're but a step away from discovering that we are not alone in the Universe and that we have never been.

During this last step, in the middle of the great social and planetary challenges we endure, the Exopolitics paradigm can contribute with many tools and resources to approach a new developmental paradigm. Albert Einstein once said, "No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it ". Because of this, the Exopolitics paradigm entails a leap in consciousness from which to offer tools and resources that can help resolve many of the problems we are facing.

These, along with many other topics, will be presented in the European Exopolitics Summit 2009 at Barcelona, where the most convincing evidence on the extraterrestrial presence will be exposed and the implications and consequences of such a reality will be analized.

Pepón Jover

Exopolitics Spain

February 2009

Barcelona, Spain

Ovo je link za LIVE Stream. Konferencija se dakle odrzava juce i danas :)

Na linku postoje takodje snimci od juce tako da nismo mnogo toga propustili. Ovo prakticno NE SMETE da propustite ako zelite bolje da razumete situaciju u kojoj se nalazimo kao covecanstvo sto se tice vanzemaljaca. Da li cete na ovoj konferenciji cuti i videti jos neverovatnije stvari nego do sada na ovoj temi ? Sinoc sam malo gledao neke snimke i odgovor je : definitivno! Na Summit su pozvani mainstream mediji iz Spanije. Na osnovu onog malo sto sam video mislim da nece moci da ignorisu ovaj dogadjaj. Ako mediji budu izvestili propisno o ovom dogadjaju sasvim je moguce da ce tema vanzemaljaca postati mainstream tematika. Standing by......


Ovo je link za raspored desavanja, tako da mozete da se ukljucite LIVE kod teme koja vas interesuje.

[Ovu poruku je menjao Ankalagon the Black dana 26.07.2009. u 17:14 GMT+1]
Odgovor na temu

Ankalagon the Black

Član broj: 126324
Poruke: 24

+250 Profil

icon Re: The Disclosure Project , teorije o kontaktu sa vanzemaljcima27.07.2009. u 09:08 - pre 181 meseci
Veoma interesantan intervju sa Buzz Aldrin-om. Drugi covek koji je krocio na mesec.

A evo kako doticni odgovara na optuzbe da nije bio na mesecu. :))

Odgovor na temu

Ankalagon the Black

Član broj: 126324
Poruke: 24

+250 Profil

icon Re: The Disclosure Project , teorije o kontaktu sa vanzemaljcima27.07.2009. u 12:09 - pre 181 meseci
Ruska mornarica deklasifikovala svoje UFO files.

Russian Navy UFO records say aliens love oceans

21 July, 2009, 18:56

The Russian navy has declassified its records of encounters with unidentified objects technologically surpassing anything humanity ever built, reports Svobodnaya Pressa news website.

The records dating back to soviet times were compiled by a special navy group collecting reports of unexplained incidents delivered by submarines and military ships. The group was headed by deputy Navy commander Admiral Nikolay Smirnov, and the documents reveal numerous cases of possible UFO encounters, the website says.

Vladimir Azhazha, former navy officer and a famous Russian UFO researcher, says the materials are of great value.

“Fifty percent of UFO encounters are connected with oceans. Fifteen more – with lakes. So UFOs tend to stick to the water,” he said.

On one occasion a nuclear submarine, which was on a combat mission in the Pacific Ocean, detected six unknown objects. After the crew failed to leave behind their pursuers by maneuvering, the captain ordered to surface. The objects followed suit, took to the air, and flew away.

Many mysterious events happened in the region of Bermuda Triangle, recalls retired submarine commander Rear Admiral Yury Beketov. Instruments malfunctioned with no apparent reason or detected strong interference. The former navy officer says this could be deliberate disruption by UFOs.

Vladimir Kremlev for RT. Click to enlarge “On several occasions the instruments gave reading of material objects moving at incredible speed. Calculations showed speeds of about 230 knots, of 400 kph. Speeding so fast is a challenge even on the surface. But water resistance is much higher. It was like the objects defied the laws of physics. There’s only one explanation: the creatures who built them far surpass us in development,” Beketov said.
Navy intelligence veteran, Captain 1st rank Igor Barklay comments:

“Ocean UFOs often show up wherever our or NATO’s fleets concentrate. Near Bahamas, Bermudas, Puerto Rico. They are most often seen in the deepest part of the Atlantic Ocean, in the southern part of the Bermuda Triangle, and also in the Caribbean Sea.”

Another place where people often report UFO encounters is Russia’s Lake Baikal, the deepest fresh water body in the world. Fishermen tell of powerful lights coming from the deep and objects flying up from the water.

In one case in 1982 a group of military divers training at Baikal spotted a group of humanoid creatures dressed in silvery suits. The encounter happened at a depth of 50 meters, and the divers tried to catch the strangers. Three of the seven men died, while four others were severely injured.

“I think about underwater bases and say: why not? Nothing should be discarded,” says Vladimir Azhazha. “Skepticism is the easiest way: believe nothing, do nothing. People rarely visit great depths. So it’s very important to analyze what they encounter there.”
Odgovor na temu

San Francisco

Član broj: 2447
Poruke: 1200

+1001 Profil

icon Re: The Disclosure Project , teorije o kontaktu sa vanzemaljcima27.07.2009. u 16:46 - pre 181 meseci
Ti očigledno ne shvataš da dok se nepojavi ČVRST dokaz da je sve ovo samo sviranje suncu. Da ne kažem k****.

A cvrst dokaz je sta ?

Da dodju i prosetaju po Novemu Sadu i svima dadu da pipnu dokaz ?

Ili da zvanicno objavi RTV u terminu drugog dnevnika ?

Nije dosta sto je nekoliko drzava otvorilo arhive i jasno kvalifikovalo dogadjaje kao nesto sto definitivno nije opticka varka,
nesavrsenost (tj. sum) radara, elektricne smetnje od obliznjeg tramvaja i slicno ?


Kako bi ti gledao na stvar da jedan od ostalih 11 moonwalkera kaže da su vanzemaljci glupost? da li bi mu poverovao?

A tih ostalih 11 iz nekog razloga cute kao p*cke.


Bas niko da opovrgne i da kaze da je to budalastina.

Ne smeju da kazu....svi u poznim sedamdesetim. Verovatno su se us*rali da im dete ne izgubi mesto u obdanistu ako zucnu.

Sve ulizice i podrepasi.

Odgovor na temu

Novi Sad

Član broj: 116972
Poruke: 17

+24 Profil

icon Re: The Disclosure Project , teorije o kontaktu sa vanzemaljcima27.07.2009. u 18:04 - pre 181 meseci
milanche: A tih ostalih 11 iz nekog razloga cute kao p*cke.


Bas niko da opovrgne i da kaze da je to budalastina.

Ne smeju da kazu....svi u poznim sedamdesetim. Verovatno su se us*rali da im dete ne izgubi mesto u obdanistu ako zucnu.

Sve ulizice i podrepasi.

Ili jednostavno ćute zato što ih boli ona stvar da se bakću glupostima.
Nastranu što si potpuno izvrnuo moj post, al ajde.

A čvrst dokaz je upravo to što ti kažeš. Ili da neko donese deo svemirskog broda ili telo vanzemaljca ili bilo šta vanzemaljskog porekla pa da bude stavljeno na uvid javnosti pa da se nezavisno analizira.
Ako nešto definitivno nije šum, iluzija ili nešto slično ne znači da definitivno jeste svemirski brod.

Inače baš bi voleo da nađem podatak koliko dolara vredi ufo industrija, na godišnjem nivou. Gomila knjiga, seminara, video kaseta i sl. gluposti donosi sigurno velike pare. Mada me ni ne čudi što ljudi veruju u vanzemaljce, kad postoji milijardu ljudi koji veruju u bezgrešno začeće.

[Ovu poruku je menjao NoneVi dana 27.07.2009. u 19:16 GMT+1]
On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero.
Odgovor na temu

Ankalagon the Black

Član broj: 126324
Poruke: 24

+250 Profil

icon Re: The Disclosure Project , teorije o kontaktu sa vanzemaljcima27.07.2009. u 20:15 - pre 181 meseci
Desi milanche , nema te sto godina! :))

A čvrst dokaz je upravo to što ti kažeš. Ili da neko donese deo svemirskog broda ili telo vanzemaljca ili bilo šta vanzemaljskog porekla pa da bude stavljeno na uvid javnosti pa da se nezavisno analizira.

Ja bih vise voleo da vanzemaljac bude ziv. Bolje je za intergalakticke tj. interstelarne odnose :)

Parce metala od svemirskog broda prakticno spada u istu kategoriju kao i dosadasnji dokazi (radarski snimci, fotografije, vidjenja....) iz prostog razoga sto na njemu ne pise da je iz svemira. Nije DEFINITIVAN dokaz. Imas cudno parce metala, kao ono sto je obezbedio Billy Meier i cija je analiza izvrsena. I nista. Opet ce biti gomila ljudi koja ce reci....ok, imamo cudno parce metala pa sta. Nebi bilo prvi put da se na Zemlji pronadje nesto neobjasnjivo pa to ne postane internacionalana senzacija.

Za ovako kontroverznu temu postoje samo par DEFINITIVNIH dokaza, po meni.

1) Zajednicka objava svetskih lidera, pre svega recimo predsednika Obame o kontaktu ljudske civiliacije sa vanzemaljcima (Ovo striktno nije dokaz ali je to ono sto bi najveci broj ljudi prihvatio kao definitivan dokaz)
2) Organizovano sletanje vanzemaljaca i zvanicni docek sa sve kamerama CNN-a i odabranih pretstavnika nase civilizacije. Cemu mora da prethodi 1) (Pored toliko dezinformacija i zbunjenosti u vezi UFO fenomena ovo je prakticno jedina stvar koja bi mogla da stavi tacku na dalju raspravu o tome da li su vanzemaljci ovde ili nisu. Cak i oni koji vec znaju da smo davno vec posecivani bi zeleli ovo da vide. To mu dodje kao neka vrsta Premijere posle Pred Premijere :)) )

Naravno cak i ovakve stvari ce morati da se ponavljaju svaki dan neko vreme dok i oni najzadrtiji ne shvate da nije u pitanju neka sala.

Ne smeju da kazu....svi u poznim sedamdesetim. Verovatno su se us*rali da im dete ne izgubi mesto u obdanistu ako zucnu.

Pa evo i Bazz Aldrin tvrdi da su vanzemaljci vec stigli. Kao i Gordon Cooper, takodje astronaut. 2 od 12 moonwalkera se jasno izjasnilo, to bi trebalo nesto da govori ipak.

Inače baš bi voleo da nađem podatak koliko dolara vredi ufo industrija, na godišnjem nivou. Gomila knjiga, seminara, video kaseta i sl. gluposti donosi sigurno velike pare. Mada me ni ne čudi što ljudi veruju u vanzemaljce, kad postoji milijardu ljudi koji veruju u bezgrešno začeće.

Vec smo se svi slozili da je ovaj argument tacan u smislu da postoji dosta ljudi kojima je vaznija njihova najnovija knjiga i sopstveni publicitet od istine ili konacnog isterivanja Disclosure-a. Ali ne moze da objasni UFO fenomen NI BLIZU. Mali primer samo: Ruska mornarica ne objavljuje svoje UFO fajlove da bi pisala knjige i stekla publicitet. Prilicno sam siguran da su dovoljno dobro finansirani. Mnogo toga u UFO fenomenu prevazilazi tu grupu gramzivih i egoistcnih ljudi. Mislim da bi to trebalo da bude jasno do sada.

Odgovor na temu

Novi Sad

Član broj: 116972
Poruke: 17

+24 Profil

icon Re: The Disclosure Project , teorije o kontaktu sa vanzemaljcima27.07.2009. u 21:44 - pre 181 meseci
billy mayer. Ajde nemoj molim te. Pretpostavljam da je taj materijal misteriozno nestao i niko ga nikad više nije video?

5 minuta na googlu:

Recently Underground Video began an in-depth inquiry into the most sensational UFO case in history. Our investigation first began as a supportive effort to verify the known fact of the Meier case to present the truth of alien-human contact to skeptics.

With the assistance of members from the Hollywood special effects team of the UltraMatrix Corporation we studied the Meier photographs and claims made by Meier's Talmud Jmmanuel, Genesis III Publishing, Light Years by Gary Kinder, The Pleiadian Connection by Randolf Winters, and the movie Contact. We also spent considerable time tracking the claims of "computer expert" and "Ph.D." Jim Dilettoso, as well as claims made through Michael Hesemann by Guido Moosbrugger from Meier's FIGU cult in Switzerland.

After six months of intense inquiry, with the assistance of cinematographers, physicists, and computer analysts from TotalResearch, we found the claims of the representatives of the Meier case to absolutely untrue. We discovered miniature models, and a variety of deceptive methods used to create this hoax. Additionally, an undercover "hidden camera" investigation penetrated the Meier cult in Switzerland, revealing irrefutable scientific evidence of FRAUD.

Underground Video was one of the foremost defenders of the Meier material. We are DISAPPOINTED to now learn the ENTIRE case is a hoax. Representations of any authenticity with regard to this case made by alleged scientific examination has proved to be totally unreliable and misleads the general public into believing a carefully fabricated lie. The persons who authenitcated the Meier case are not credible scientists nor investigators.

Any previous representations of authenticity of the Meier case in the Underground Video catalog should be ignored. Our findings will be presented to the Attorney General for possible prosecution for a Consumer Class Action Suit for Fraud. Underground Video will continue to make the Meier material available to investigators and the general public who desire to study the hoax and how it had been sold to the public for nearly 20 years.

Anyone who had previously purchased any Meier materials may write Underground Video to be included in a CONSUMER CLASS ACTION SUIT.

Underground Video
Meier Class Action Suit
PO BOX 527
Beverly Hills, CA 90213-0527

Along with Underground Video's statement is a photograph showing one of Billy Meiers alleged Pleiadian beamships taken in 1981. After computer enhancement and careful scrutiny, it has been shown the Beamship is really a miniature model made out of an upside-down cake pan, disconnected copper hose fitting, a bracelet, carpet tacks and various other identifiable objects.

The Meier photograph of the beautiful Pleiadian alien, Semjase, turned out to be a photocopy of a model from a Sears Catalog. Another one of Meier's photographs, where he allegedly traveled into the future aboard a Pleiadian Beamship to photograph the aftermath of a 9.0 earthquake in San Francisco showing the toppled Trans-America building, turned out to be a realistic looking painting from a geology magazine article about earthquakes. On top of these damning examples, every single one of Billy Meier's photographs of Pleiadian ships have been shown to be of third, fourth and even fifth generation(photographs of photographs) This means the he likely airbrushed suspension wires and other signs of fraud. There is not one example of an original, first generation Billy Meier photograph. On top of that, it has been shown that the reflections on some of the Pleiadian ships are not consistent with the position of the sun, indicating possible superimposition techniques. To top it off, a reporter found a bunch of miniature models exactly matching many of the Pleiadian ships shown in his photos. His ex-wife has come out to denounce him as a fraud as well. The evidence is overwhelming that whole Billy Meier story is unquestionably, absolutely, completely and totally 100% BOGUS. Case Closed!

Billy Meier and his cohorts, have made a lot of money out of this scam. I applaud Underground Video for seeking the truth about the Billy Meier scam and disassociating itself from any involvement with Meier. Billy Meier has done more to hurt the legitimate field of UFO research than any other person alive today. It's really a shame.
Michael Taylor

samo još jednom: Beamship is really a miniature model made out of an upside-down cake pan, disconnected copper hose fitting, a bracelet, carpet tacks and various other identifiable objects.

i još nešto: If you hear or read that somebody has seen an alien space ship, be sure to enquire by what means it was determined that it was (1) a space ship and (2) alien.

On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero.
Odgovor na temu

Ankalagon the Black

Član broj: 126324
Poruke: 24

+250 Profil

icon Re: The Disclosure Project , teorije o kontaktu sa vanzemaljcima27.07.2009. u 22:24 - pre 181 meseci
Stavi samo link uz tekst da bi svi zainteresovani mogli odma da odu na tu stranicu gde to pise.
Odgovor na temu

Ankalagon the Black

Član broj: 126324
Poruke: 24

+250 Profil

icon Re: The Disclosure Project , teorije o kontaktu sa vanzemaljcima27.07.2009. u 22:31 - pre 181 meseci
Isto tako za 5 min odgovor Majkla Horna , zvanicnog zastupnika Billy Meiera

The Billy Meier “Hoax” Exposed?

Part Two: The Phony Lawsuit


Michael Horn

From time to time, people send me emails inquiring about internet sites, or articles they find online, alleging that the Meier case itself is a hoax, that there’s a lawsuit against him for fraud, that the so-called Wedding Cake (WCUFO) UFO photos are an obvious hoax using models, etc.

First, there was, and there is, no lawsuit against Meier. The one referred to was a phony attempt to discredit Meier and the case by a rather dishonest company called Underground Video, and its cowardly owner, one Glen Hoyen. The truth of the matter, according to Lee and Brit Elders, the owners of Genesis III (and two of the original investigators in the case), is that Hoyen was mad because they refused to sell him anymore of the videos that they produced (see: because he had failed to pay them for the products that they had already shipped him. This was confirmed to me by Tim Crawford, the owner of, who had formerly been associated with Underground Video.

I am inserting my responses to the article about the alleged lawsuit below, with UV for Underground Video and MH for my comments:


UV: Recently Underground Video began an in-depth inquiry into the most sensational UFO case in history. Our investigation first began as a supportive effort to verify the known fact of the Meier case to present the truth of alien-human contact to skeptics.

With the assistance of members from the Hollywood special effects team of the UltraMatrix Corporation we studied the Meier photographs and claims made by Meier's Talmud Jmmanuel, Genesis III Publishing, Light Years by Gary Kinder, The Pleiadian Connection by Randolf Winters, and the movie Contact. We also spent considerable time tracking the claims of "computer expert" and "Ph.D." Jim Dilettoso, as well as claims made through Michael Hesemann by Guido Moosbrugger from Meier's FIGU cult in Switzerland.

MH: I have been unable to locate, or confirm the existence of, the UltraMatrix Corporation. I am unaware of any so-called “FIGU cult” and, not surprisingly, no evidence for one has ever been presented.

UV: After six months of intense inquiry, with the assistance of cinematographers, physicists, and computer analysts from TotalResearch, we found the claims of the representatives of the Meier case to absolutely untrue. We discovered miniature models, and a variety of deceptive methods used to create this hoax. Additionally, an undercover "hidden camera" investigation penetrated the Meier cult in Switzerland, revealing irrefutable scientific evidence of FRAUD.

MH: TotalResearch is the now defunct front for Kal Korff, a professional debunker, and notorious liar who has the distinction of, twice, having to go on the Art Bell radio show to apologize for spreading lies about Bell. Korff’s attacks on the Meier case, including his so-called “‘hidden camera’ investigation”, are thoroughly refuted and rebutted at: and

And the only models ever “found” in the case were the ones deliberately made – by a special effects studio in Hollywood – for use in photographs shot by the investigative team for comparison with Meier’s, and one model made for Meier by an aficionado of the case and given to him as a gift.

UV: Underground Video was one of the foremost defenders of the Meier material. We are DISAPPOINTED to now learn the ENTIRE case is a hoax.

MH: Notice that absolutely no substantiation for this claim is provided.

UV: Representations of any authenticity with regard to this case made by alleged scientific examination has proved to be totally unreliable and misleads the general public into believing a carefully fabricated lie. The persons who authenitcated the Meier case are not credible scientists nor investigators.

MH: Once again, notice that absolutely no substantiation for this claim is provided. The scientific examination that authenticated the Meier evidence is not “alleged”, it exists (see: The unreliable and misleading allegations are solely Korff’s.

UV: Any previous representations of authenticity of the Meier case in the Underground Video catalog should be ignored. Our findings will be presented to the Attorney General for possible prosecution for a Consumer Class Action Suit for Fraud. Underground Video will continue to make the Meier material available to investigators and the general public who desire to study the hoax and how it had been sold to the public for nearly 20 years.

MH: So, it’s a fraud, according to Underground Video, but they will continue to sell it and make money from it…some integrity!

UV: Anyone who had previously purchased any Meier materials may write Underground Video to be included in a CONSUMER CLASS ACTION SUIT.

Underground Video

Meier Class Action Suit

PO BOX 527

Beverly Hills, CA 90213-0527

MH: Hopefully, some common sense and clear thinking will now prevail so that people will focus on the really important content of the Meier case, such as:

Please read No. 6 in that document, very carefully, and consider that if the U.S. wishes to avoid what is specifically also foretold in the Henoch Prophecies, “Far in the West, it will be different; the United States of America will be a country of total destruction. The cause for this will be manifold. With her global conflicts which are continuously instigated by her and which will continue far into the future, America is creating enormous hatred against her, worldwide, in many countries. As a result, America will experience enormous catastrophes, which will reach proportions barely imaginable to people of Earth. The destruction of the WTC, i.e., the World Trade Center, by terrorists will only be the beginning…” then it must withdraw from Iraq and all other lands where it has military forces.

The Meier case is about our future survival. And people, especially in the U.S., need to see through the efforts of debunkers and skeptics who want to maintain the status quo of blissful ignorance, if we are to have any chance of waking up in time to what is otherwise coming our way.
Odgovor na temu

Ankalagon the Black

Član broj: 126324
Poruke: 24

+250 Profil

icon Re: The Disclosure Project , teorije o kontaktu sa vanzemaljcima27.07.2009. u 22:44 - pre 181 meseci
Scientific Experts’ Comments on Meier’s Evidence

From Author Gary Kinder’s “Open Letter to the UFO Community”

David Froning: At the time, Dr. Froning had already spent 25 years as an astronautical engineer at
McDonnell Douglas in highly classified military defense and, in 1979, became interested in Meier’s
accounts of Plejaren starship travel, which mentioned tachyon propulsion. Dr. Froning found Meier's
account of tachyon propulsion (which was only beginning to be discussed by a very small and select
group of theoretical physicists), and his calculations for above light speed travel to be amazing. In 1983,
he was pursuing his Quantum Interstellar Ramjet idea (JBIS vol. 33, no. 7, July 1980; AIAA 81-1533,
July1981; IAF-85-492, October, 1985) and plugged in his Quantum Ramjet performance equations,
assuming: a given starship density, vacuum energy conversion efficiency (in transforming positrons and
electrons within the quantum vacuum into photons), and vacuum energy conversion scales of distance of
the order of the Compton wavelength. The resulting vehicle acceleration enabled achievement of almost
light speed in about 4.3 hours and deceleration from light speed in about 4.3 hours. Meier said that the
elapsed time during the "hyperspace jump" took only several seconds. Thus, trip time between the
Pleiades star cluster and Earth with Froning’s slower-than-light Quantum Ramjet Drive plus a
hypothetical tachyon drive would be 8.6 hours, which was within 20% of the Plejaren trip time reported
by Meier. But, while Froning’s calculations were based on many arbitrary assumptions, and in no way
proved the truthfulness of Meier's account (since it was a theoretical system he was working on, only time
will tell as to which are correct) Froning was somewhat startled that his arbitrary flight time computations
were within 20% of the flight time mentioned by Meier. Regarding the Meier material, Dr. Froning also
publicly stated that, “My colleagues and I may have made breakthroughs in our understanding
of possibilities and ways for traveling faster than light from Billy Meier's accounts of his encounters with
the Plejarens.”

Eric Eliason: U.S. Geological Survey in Flagstaff, Arizona, created image-processing software so
astrogeologists can analyze photographs of planets beamed back from space, spent two years producing
the intricate radar map of cloud-covered Venus acquired by Pioneer 10: "In the photographs there were no
sharp breaks where you could see it had been somehow artificially dubbed. And if that dubbing was
registered in the film, the computer would have seen it. We didn't see anything."

Robert Post: JPL photo laboratory for 22 years, was the head of that lab in 1979, and oversaw the
developing and printing of every photograph that came out of JPL at the time: "From a photography
standpoint, you couldn't see anything that was fake about the Meier photos. That's what struck me. They
looked like legitimate photographs. I thought, 'God, if this is real, this is going to be really something.”

Dr. Michael Malin: Principal investigator for the Mars Orbiter Camera on NASA's Mars Global
Surveyor spacecraft at Malin Space Science Systems (MSSS), San Diego, CA. Analyzed Meier’s
photographs in 1981: "I find the photographs themselves credible, they're good photographs. They appear
to represent a real phenomenon. The story that some farmer in Switzerland is on a first name basis with
dozens of aliens who come to visit him ... I find that incredible. But I find the photographs more credible.
They're reasonable evidence of something. What that something is I don't know." Malin also said, "If the
photographs are hoaxes then I am intrigued by the quality of the hoax. How did he do it? I'm always
interested in seeing a master at work."

Steve Ambrose: Sound engineer for Stevie Wonder, inventor of the Micro Monitor radio set and speaker
that fits inside Wonder's ear, analyzed the Meier sound recordings of one of the UFO’s as it hoveredabove him.
Not only was he unable to duplicate the sounds with synthesizers, he found they created
totally unique patterns on a spectrum analyzer and on the oscilloscope. Another sound engineer named
Nils Rognerud corroborated Ambrose’s findings. Think about this for just a moment, these experts, using
state-of-the-art equipment, were unable to duplicate the sounds and the unique patterns they generated.

Wally Gentleman: Director of Special Effects on the Canadian Film Board for ten years, director of
special photographic effects for Stanley Kubrick's film 2001, had viewed Meier’s 8mm film segments of
the UFO’s. Showed that the manpower and costs to fake the films were clearly beyond Meier’s reach:
"My greatest problem is that for anybody faking this" (referring to one of the photographs) "the shadow
that is thrown onto that tree is correct. Therefore, if somebody is faking it they have an expert there. And
being an expert myself, I know that that expert knowledge is very hard to come by. So I say, 'Well, is that
expert knowledge there or isn't it there?' Because if the expert knowledge isn't there, this has got to be

Nippon TV: Did their own examination and also came to the conclusion that there were no models,
special effects or hoaxing involved in Meier’s films.

Marcel Vogel: Research chemist for IBM for twenty-two years, held thirty-two patents, and invented the
magnetic disk coating memory system still used in IBM disk memories. A specialist in the conversion of
energy inside crystals, Vogel probed crystalline structures with the most complete optical microscopic
equipment available in the world - a system of scanning electron microscopes costing $250,000. Lieut.
Col. Wendelle Stevens, USAF (Ret.): One of the original investigators in the Meier case. In 1979, he sent
Vogel crystals and metal samples Meier had received from the Plejaren. Vogel reported, ”When I touched
the oxide with a stainless steel probe, red streaks appeared and the oxide coating disappeared. I just
touched the metal like that, and it started to deoxidize and become a pure metal. I have never seen a
phenomenon like that before.” Of another metal sample containing nearly every element in the periodic
table, Vogel stated, “Each pure element was bonded to each of the others, yet somehow retained its own
identity.” At 500 X magnification thulium was revealed. “Thulium exists only in minute amounts. It is
exceedingly expensive, far beyond platinum, and rare to come by. Someone would have to have an
extensive metallurgical knowledge even to be aware of a composition of this type", said Vogel. At 1600 X
Vogel said, "A whole new world appears in the specimen. There are structures within structures - very
unusual." At 2500 X he found that the sample was, “metal, but at the same time ... it is crystal!"
Vogel put the full weight of his expertise in these summary comments: "With any technology that I know
of, we could not achieve this on this planet! ... And I think it is important that those of us who are in the
scientific world sit down and do some serious study on these things instead of putting it off as people's
imagination." Again, here is another top-level scientific specialist who is unable to duplicate the material
presented to him by Meier.
Odgovor na temu

Novi Sad

Član broj: 116972
Poruke: 17

+24 Profil

icon Re: The Disclosure Project , teorije o kontaktu sa vanzemaljcima27.07.2009. u 23:54 - pre 181 meseci
Ako bi tražili malo verovatno bi ustanovili da likovi na koje se poziva bi imali slične odgovore kao ovi kada bi ih direktno kontaktirali:

kad smo već kod gospodina Horna: samo ću jednu rečenicu ovde kopirati: In August of 2008 he admitted to intentionally posting false and misleading articles in order to deceive the public about the claims of Billy Meier.

Još par linkova sa istog sajta koji se bave fotografijama gospodina Meiera:, itd. itd.

Al najbolja su objašnjenja kad ga ljudi provale. npr: "Unfortunately, during my conversation with Ptaah he revealed that the two women depicted on the photos are not Asket and Nera from the DAL Universe, but two American look-alikes. These photos are malicious hoaxes and were switched upon the order of and in collaboration with the 'Men in Black."

u vezi vanzemaljskog materijala:

It turns out that an actual metallurgist did analyze the metal sample and this is what was revealed:

Page 214 of the 2001 book And Yet…They Fly! states the following:
A metallurgist from the University of Arizona examined one of the metal fragments and analyzed it as a simple 'cooking pot metal' or cheap cast metal alloy used to produce such things as tin soldiers.

Inače sastav legure se ne može odrediti elektronskim mikroskopom.

edit: kasno je, nastavićemo sutra. Laku noć.

On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero.
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 64285
Poruke: 135

+12 Profil

icon Re: The Disclosure Project , teorije o kontaktu sa vanzemaljcima29.07.2009. u 12:02 - pre 181 meseci :D
sve stalo...
samo deca rastu...
Odgovor na temu

San Francisco

Član broj: 2447
Poruke: 1200

+1001 Profil

icon Re: The Disclosure Project , teorije o kontaktu sa vanzemaljcima29.07.2009. u 14:04 - pre 181 meseci

Bas cudno, kako to da se samo Rusima desavaju susreti sa vanzemaljcima, a ne recimo Amerikancima ?


A i ta fotografija - to su napravili u Photoshop-u 1965-te po Staljinovom nalogu, da vide kapitalisti kako
izgledaju socijalisticki vanzemaljci.

Da ne zaboravim - postoje i bugarski vanzemaljci, tradicionalno su najveci prijatelji sovjetskih vanzemaljaca,
i naravno, prigodno su manjih dimenzija.
Odgovor na temu

Ankalagon the Black

Član broj: 126324
Poruke: 24

+250 Profil

icon Re: The Disclosure Project , teorije o kontaktu sa vanzemaljcima30.07.2009. u 12:51 - pre 181 meseci
Bob Dean's presentation, European Exopolitics Summit, Barcelona, 25 July 2009

Da ne bude da samo pricaju na ovim konferencijama Bob Dean je pokazao neke od NASA fotografija sa Apolo misija koje nikada nisu ugledale svetlost dana do sada.
Odgovor na temu

Ankalagon the Black

Član broj: 126324
Poruke: 24

+250 Profil

icon Re: The Disclosure Project , teorije o kontaktu sa vanzemaljcima30.07.2009. u 23:31 - pre 181 meseci

Bogami i ovi kineski UFO nisu bas za bacanje. Bolji od Bugarskih u svakom slucaju. :)

Elem, vidim ja da mi nesto nedostaje na temi. Prelistam malo stranu i vidim da zaraza nije nista postovao u skorije vreme :))
Odgovor na temu

AMD guy
.NET developer

AMD guy
Član broj: 128930
Poruke: 1007


+38 Profil

icon Re: The Disclosure Project , teorije o kontaktu sa vanzemaljcima03.08.2009. u 16:42 - pre 180 meseci
Nisam stigao da procitam sve, ali dali ovo ima veze sa The Project Camelot

Overview and mission statement:
Overview and mission statement:
• To provide researchers, activists and ‘whistleblowers’ with access to all forms of media in order to get the truth out.

• Our focus includes but is not limited to the following:
• extraterrestrial visitation and contact
• time travel
• mind control
• classified advanced technology
• free energy
• possible coming earth changes
• revealing plans that exist to control the human race.

• To establish ‘safety in numbers’ and unite these disparate factions under an umbrella of protection for activists and ‘whistleblowers’ who may have concerns for the safety of themselves and their loved ones.

• To provide a tribute to all activists in paradigm-challenging fields who have worked for the benefit of humanity... and who have suffered or been silenced for speaking the truth. -- India Graduates Millions, but Too Few Are Fit to Hire
Odgovor na temu

AMD guy
.NET developer

AMD guy
Član broj: 128930
Poruke: 1007


+38 Profil

icon Re: The Disclosure Project , teorije o kontaktu sa vanzemaljcima03.08.2009. u 16:43 - pre 180 meseci -- India Graduates Millions, but Too Few Are Fit to Hire
Odgovor na temu

Ankalagon the Black

Član broj: 126324
Poruke: 24

+250 Profil

icon Re: The Disclosure Project , teorije o kontaktu sa vanzemaljcima04.08.2009. u 07:15 - pre 180 meseci
@ AMD guy

Ima veze sa Project Camelot, to je njihov takozvani Mission Statement.

A John Lear, intervju koji si linkovao je jedan od njihovih intervjuisanih wistleblowera.

Inache, mislim da ova tema ne bi trebala da bude u podforumu koji implicitno podrazumeva da je sama po sebi glupost. Ali nisam siguran da bi imalo imalo nekog efekta i da se zalim. Vidim da su Admini odlucili da malo srede forum pa i u sklopu toga ovakvo premestanje.

Moguci konflikt interesa bi mogao biti taj da je Admin koji je premestio temu isti onaj koji je i ucestvovao na njoj kao zagrizeni zagovornik da je ona glupost. Mislim da nema potrebe da navodim razne , pomalo sarkasticne citate. Ono sto bi mene interesovalo je da cujem da li se i #1, Admin Gojko Vujovic, slaze da ova tema treba da bude ovde ? Ako i on kaze tako onda, thats how it shall be.

[Ovu poruku je menjao Ankalagon the Black dana 04.08.2009. u 08:26 GMT+1]
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