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Član broj: 649
Poruke: 12851

+4785 Profil

icon Re: "Džek pot" za nezaposlene! 'Ajmo!!!!17.03.2010. u 12:45 - pre 173 meseci
stil: Legalni su i porno filmovi pa ih ne puštaju u sred podne. Legalni su i kečeri pa ih više ne puštaju po danu itd. Sve ima svoje mesto i vreme i uzrast.

Upravo tako. I kockarnice, kladionice i sl. imaju odredjen uzrast za koji su dozvoljeni - 18+.
A ako neko kaze da treba zabraniti kockanje jer se zakon o 18+ ne postuje, onda treba zatvoriti i skole jer se zakon o zabrani prodaje droge u skolama ne postuje.
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 174418
Poruke: 1189

+395 Profil

icon Re: "Džek pot" za nezaposlene! 'Ajmo!!!!17.03.2010. u 13:51 - pre 173 meseci
European casino association


Throughout Europe, there are several examples where countries decided to
revert to strict regulation and control after having allowed some liberal
movements, which had lead to a considerable increase in criminal behaviour and
social problems following a sudden rise of gambling offers
. Norway is such an
example, where due to the detrimental effects on the social order the
government some years ago entirely banned the operation of the 15.000 slot
machines established throughout the country


The need for strict regulation at national level
Historic experience has proven that there is a need for an effective national
gambling policy which meets the double challenge of channelling gambling
• steer the demand for gambling away from grey or illegal offers and ensure
that the demand for gambling is satisfied;
• minimise the undesirable effects of gambling.

Regulation is necessary to protect public and social order by minimising the
effects of problem gambling, protecting youth and other vulnerable people,
preventing crime etc.

Tako da je stvar vrlo delikatne prirode i nije dovoljno reci : to je legalno i svi liberalno da dignemo sve cetiri u vis .
Samo sto ova mrsomudija od naseg zakonodavstva nije dovoljno ni svesna ovog, a kamoli da nauci i primeni nesto iz tudjih gresaka ,
pa da taj put u EU bude precicom a ne po trnju

Viva lollapalooza
Odgovor na temu

Ivan Dimkovic

Ivan Dimkovic
Član broj: 13
Poruke: 16696

+7181 Profil

icon Re: "Džek pot" za nezaposlene! 'Ajmo!!!!17.03.2010. u 13:55 - pre 173 meseci
Pa u Srbiji je kocka DALEKO od liberalne. I te kako je kontrolisana i regulisana.

Ventura je u tom biznisu pa to moze daleko bolje da objasni. Nazivati Srbiju "liberalnom" je preterivanje.
DigiCortex (ex. SpikeFun) - Cortical Neural Network Simulator: Videos: Gallery:
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Član broj: 17332
Poruke: 3042

+165 Profil

icon Re: "Džek pot" za nezaposlene! 'Ajmo!!!!17.03.2010. u 14:08 - pre 173 meseci
da li ovo spada u "skolu" - zgrada u kojoj se drze prakticne nastave [dakle predmeti u kojima ucenici svake nedelje idu na xy casova,ne praksa posle nastave] za 2 skole - gradjevinsku i tehnicku [obe srednje]?

ako spada,evo primer kladionice koja je udaljena nekih 100njak metara od iste zgrade [primer je iz subotice,jasno se vidi koja je ulica u pitanju,ne znam koja je kockarnica napamet] - klik na link da ne stavljam u poruku sliku

ne znam sve kockarnice/kladionice di se nalaze,ali siguran sam da ovo nije jedini primer...a ovo je samo u subotici...

edit:jao,kako sam mogao zaboraviti na ovo...1 kladionica na manje od 100 m od 2 srednje skole - gradjevinske i hemijske
gradjevinska je udaljena nekih 68m [crvena linija] ,a hemijska nekih 35m vazdusnom linijom [crna tanka linija]...
ovo nije u nekim pripizdincima da niko ziv ne zalazi,nego je prakticno u centru grada,na glavnom putu,dakle nije "iza ociju policije i suda"...
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 174418
Poruke: 1189

+395 Profil

icon Re: "Džek pot" za nezaposlene! 'Ajmo!!!!17.03.2010. u 14:18 - pre 173 meseci
Zavisi kako shvatas ovu recenicu :

which had lead to a considerable increase in criminal behaviour and
social problems following a sudden rise of gambling offers.

Ne kazem da nema regulacije u Srbiji .. ALI ..
Ako je sajam zaposljavanja pod pokroviteljstvom kladionice onda to i jeste "sudden rise of gambling offers" ,
jer pre toga nije bilo nikada, jer cim nude tolika radna mesta ,
znaci da otvaraju sve vise i vise kockarnica i kladionica i uvode sve vise novih igara i zaradjuju sve vise para,
a i do sada ih je bilo mnogo da ne kazem previse .
Ako tebi ovakav dogadjaj i broj kladionoca nije " "sudden rise of gambling offers". onda stvarno ne znam sta bi trebalo da bude .


Ventura je u tom biznisu pa to moze daleko bolje da objasni. Nazivati Srbiju "liberalnom" je preterivanje.

Pa nije bas neki sagovornik , jer normalno nece da sece granu na kojoj sedi ,
a i njegovi izleti u kazahstansku kockarsku ilegalu mi nije bas merodavno .

Viva lollapalooza
Odgovor na temu

Ivan Dimkovic

Ivan Dimkovic
Član broj: 13
Poruke: 16696

+7181 Profil

icon Re: "Džek pot" za nezaposlene! 'Ajmo!!!!17.03.2010. u 14:40 - pre 173 meseci
Ma da, covek koji radi u tom poslu "nije neki sagovornik" - bolje je da nagadjamo, i nadasve kvalitetnije za diskusiju :)


Ako je sajam zaposljavanja pod pokroviteljstvom kladionice onda to i jeste "sudden rise of gambling offers" ,
jer pre toga nije bilo nikada, jer cim nude tolika radna mesta ,
znaci da otvaraju sve vise i vise kockarnica i kladionica i uvode sve vise novih igara i zaradjuju sve vise para,
a i do sada ih je bilo mnogo da ne kazem previse .
Ako tebi ovakav dogadjaj i broj kladionoca nije " "sudden rise of gambling offers". onda stvarno ne znam sta bi trebalo da bude .

Ne razumem, sta je tacno problem sa "Sudden rise of gambling offers" ?

U toj recenici vidim samo da je neko navodno pronasao korelaciju izmedju broja kockarnica i povecanog kriminala. To ne znaci nuzno da je "sudden rise of gambling offers" uopste izazvao taj porast kriminala.

To je generalno mana svih tih socioloskih istrazivanja, sto neko proizvoljno uzima neki set podataka i nadje neku korelaciju uz pomoc statisticke analize (cak i kada je porast korelacije mali - ali eto, postoji), i to predstavlja kao dokaz za vezu izmedju ta 2 dogadjaja - sto je greska.

Uzgred, taj PDF je neki agit-prop pamflet, namenjen za politicko lobiranje a ne naucni rad. Cak ne navode ni izvore za njihove tvrdnje, mislim to je vec dovoljan znak da ti proradi bullsh*t detektor. Bez kredibilih izvora to sto pisu nema apsolutno nikakvu tezinu. I, ne, potpis "autoriteta" kao sto je nekakva "asocijacija" ne moze biti zamena, vec predstavlja klasicnu gresku "dokazivanja autoritetom".

Nisam bas siguran da je citiranje agit-prop pamfleta kao autoritativnih dobra stvar :-)
DigiCortex (ex. SpikeFun) - Cortical Neural Network Simulator: Videos: Gallery:
PowerMonkey - Redyce CPU Power Waste and gain performance! -
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 174418
Poruke: 1189

+395 Profil

icon Re: "Džek pot" za nezaposlene! 'Ajmo!!!!17.03.2010. u 14:57 - pre 173 meseci
Aha , nije dovoljno naucni .
Ok . Evo malo "naucnije metode" ako te ne mrzi da citas,
pa pogledaj broj faktora koji ulaze u korelaciju i uopste sta sve ulazi u statistiku :


- Gambling and addictiveness -
Over the years there have been many claims that lotteries may be addictive and that this may part
explain why so much money is being made. One of the major concerns relating to the increase in
gambling opportunities is the potential rise in the number of problem gamblers (i.e.,"gambling addicts").
Addictions always result from an interaction and interplay between many factors including the person’s
biological and/or genetic predisposition, their psychological constitution, their social environment and
the nature of the activity itself. What has been clearly demonstrated from research evidence in other
countries is that where accessibility of gambling is increased there is an increase not only in the
number of regular gamblers but also an increase in the number of problem gamblers

There is no precise frequency level of a gambling game at which people become addicted since
addiction will be an integrated mix of factors in which frequency is just one factor in the overall
equation. Other factors and dimensions (external to the person themselves) include :
* stake size (including issues around affordability, perceived value for money)
* event frequency (time gap between each gamble)
* amount of money lost in a given time period (important in chasing)
* prize structures (number and value of prizes)
* probability of winning (e.g. 1 in 14 million on the lottery)
* size of jackpot (e.g. over £1 million on the lottery)
* skill and pseudo-skill elements (actual or perceived)
* "near miss" opportunities (i.e. optimal number of near winning situations)
* light and colour effects (e.g. use of red lights on slot machines)
* sound effects (e.g. use of buzzers or musical tunes to indicate winning on slot machines)
* social or asocial nature of the game (individual and/or group activity)
* accessibility (e.g. opening times, membership rules)
* accessibility (e.g. number of outlets)
* location of gambling establishment (out of town, next to workplace etc.)
* type of gambling establishment (e.g. betting shop, amusement arcade etc.)
* advertising (e.g. television commercials)
* the rules of the game

Pa cisto da ne ispadne kako samo par dokonih - moralnih cistunaca sa foruma razmisljaju o ovome .
A sto se tice pamfleta , nesto sumnjam da je to napisano u stilu :
Kako mali Perica zamislja zavisnost od kocke da bi dobio na sledecim izborima ,
vec verovatno se temelji na ovakvim i slicnim naucnim istrazivanjima i izvestajima.

Viva lollapalooza
Odgovor na temu

Ivan Dimkovic

Ivan Dimkovic
Član broj: 13
Poruke: 16696

+7181 Profil

icon Re: "Džek pot" za nezaposlene! 'Ajmo!!!!17.03.2010. u 15:18 - pre 173 meseci

Tvoj prvi citat se ne poziva na "addictiveness" iliti zavisnost, vec na nekakav navodni porast kriminala koji je navodno u vezi sa kockom. Sto je izuzetno hrabra tvrdnja, moram priznati, jedino se nisu potrudili da navedu KO je dokazao vezu izmedju te 2 stvari.

A da vidimo sta kaze ta tvoja nauka koju si citirao malopre:



Finally, we would like to add that this report says as much about the research that needs to be done as
it does about that which has been carried out already
. It is clear (as we pointed out in our very opening
remarks) that the material we have collated here is of variable quality and diversity and that the
conclusions we have made are based on an incomplete picture.
We hope at the very least our report will
(a) bring forth other existing work that we have been unable to locate and (b) foster new research
projects in this area

WOW... dakle oni su i PRIZNALI da je materijal koji su koristili varijabilnog kvaliteta i da su zakljucke napravili na osnovu NEKOMPLETNE slike

I, da, naravno - treba im jos $$$ zbog... "research that needs to be done" sto je u naucnom svetu sifra za "nismo bas puno toga otkrili, zato dajte jos kinte". Uzgred, u zakljucku su se fokusirali na tezu da su slot-masine opasnije, a sportsko kladjenje uopste nisu ni pominjali u tom delu.

Yep, totalno obara sa nogu - cisto sumnjam da ce pobediti na nekom naucnom konkursu doduse... ali dovolijno je dobar da ga koriste lobi grupe, tu je "incomplete picture" sasvim dovoljan prag kvaliteta ;-)

DigiCortex (ex. SpikeFun) - Cortical Neural Network Simulator: Videos: Gallery:
PowerMonkey - Redyce CPU Power Waste and gain performance! -
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 174418
Poruke: 1189

+395 Profil

icon Re: "Džek pot" za nezaposlene! 'Ajmo!!!!17.03.2010. u 15:30 - pre 173 meseci
Dobro , ajde onda dobaci neki link koji govori suprotno od ovog sto kazu tj . ono sto ti predstavljas da nema nikakve veze :
Da je to sve apsurd i da nema nikakve veze .
Ovako automatski odbacujes sve - jedno ti je pamflet drugo ti je kvazi - nauka , samo da bi ispao u pravu.
Evo ja ti kazem : U PRAVU SI :)

Oni su rekli da je nekompletno , jer je nemoguce do kraja otkriti ljudsku psihu i datii naucne postulate na neku sociolosku temu ,
Nije to fizika ili matematika da bude toliko egzaktna . Samim tim su se ogradili . Ne vidim sta je problem sa tim .

Ako zavisnost od kocke ne mozes da dovedes sa porastom kriminala napravicu ti samo jednu paralelu :.
Vise od pola narkomana sto lezi u zatvorima lezi zbog nekog teskog krivicnog dela :
kradje, razbojnistva , ubistva nego zbog posedovanja/konzumiranja droge ili preprodaje .

Viva lollapalooza
Odgovor na temu

Ivan Dimkovic

Ivan Dimkovic
Član broj: 13
Poruke: 16696

+7181 Profil

icon Re: "Džek pot" za nezaposlene! 'Ajmo!!!!17.03.2010. u 15:39 - pre 173 meseci
Problem sa tim, deerbeer, je sto taj njihov rad ne znaci apsolutno nista.

Cak i da su gledali "kompletnu sliku" problem u drustvenim naukama poput sociologije je sto se ne moze egzaktno kvantifikovati mnogo toga - pa je nivo suma ogroman i moze se skrenuti u kakav god pravac autor zeli. Potrebno je mnogo vise izvora, i mnogo vise posmatranja da se moze sa nekom sigurnoscu doneti neki zakljucak.

A kamo li u necemu gde i sami autori priznaju da su koristili i materijal sumnjivog kvaliteta te da su svoje analize bazirali na nekompletnoj slici (recimo, mozda su ignorisali neke druge bitne socijalne ili psiholoske fenomene?). Kako onda uopste neko to moze da uzima za ozbiljno?

Uzgred, NEMOGUCE je dokazati "nepostojanje" - tako da ti od mene trazis nesto sto je nemoguce. Redosled ide da prvo TI treba da pronadjes neki kvalitetan i relevantan nalaz gde se dokazuje postojanje veze izmedju agresivnosti u drustvu i liberalizovane kocke, pa da onda mozemo da pricamo o tome.

Ti si citirao dubiozan rad, gde se sami autori posipaju pepelom na kraju i sami priznaju da je manjkav - i, uzgred, uopste se i ne trude da dokazu vezu izmedju sportskog kladjenja i adikcije (vec tvrde da imaju vezu izmedju lutrije i adiktivnosti te da su slot-masine opasnije nego sto ih regulacija uzima)


Evo ja ti kazem : U PRAVU SI :)

Ja ne mogu biti u pravu - jer ne tvrdim nista. Samo sam procitao zakljucke onoga sto si ti naveo, i vidim nesto sto je u tom svetu codeword za bull-sh*t. Znam jer radim sa gomilom naucnih radova, i kada neko napise onakav zakljucak, to gotovo uvek znaci da rad nije bog zna kako kvalitetan i da je napisan za neku drugu svrhu od necijeg naucnog napredovanja.

Te svrhe su obicno - putovanje na neki simpozijum, ili politicka agenda. Imas takvih radova milijardu - ljudi eto vole da putuju ili da se raspisu za nekog... ali nauka ne napreduje na osnovu njih, vec na osnovu kvalitetnog istrazivanja.
DigiCortex (ex. SpikeFun) - Cortical Neural Network Simulator: Videos: Gallery:
PowerMonkey - Redyce CPU Power Waste and gain performance! -
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 73683
Poruke: 862

+137 Profil

icon Re: "Džek pot" za nezaposlene! 'Ajmo!!!!17.03.2010. u 15:44 - pre 173 meseci
Zbog ovih moralista svet stagnira bukvalno...
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 174418
Poruke: 1189

+395 Profil

icon Re: "Džek pot" za nezaposlene! 'Ajmo!!!!17.03.2010. u 15:59 - pre 173 meseci
anakin14: Zbog ovih moralista svet stagnira bukvalno...

Pa svi cekamo da ga ti sa tvojom kafanom pokrenes :)

Ja ne mogu biti u pravu - jer ne tvrdim nista .

Kako ne tvrdis .Rekao si za sve to da je B.S. Automatski si sve odbacio tako sto ti procitao bottom-line
Ako kazes NE onda negde mora postojati i tvoje DA :)
A recimo meni je zanimljiv onaj odeljak "Event frequency" i cenim da je tacan 100%

Viva lollapalooza
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 32
Poruke: 7781

+6455 Profil

icon Re: "Džek pot" za nezaposlene! 'Ajmo!!!!17.03.2010. u 16:09 - pre 173 meseci
deerbeer: - Gambling and addictiveness -
Over the years there have been many claims that lotteries may be addictive and that this may part
explain why so much money is being made. One of the major concerns relating to the increase in
gambling opportunities is the potential rise in the number of problem gamblers (i.e.,"gambling addicts").
Addictions always result from an interaction and interplay between many factors including the person’s
biological and/or genetic predisposition, their psychological constitution, their social environment and
the nature of the activity itself. What has been clearly demonstrated from research evidence in other
countries is that where accessibility of gambling is increased there is an increase not only in the
number of regular gamblers but also an increase in the number of problem gamblers

There is no precise frequency level of a gambling game at which people become addicted since
addiction will be an integrated mix of factors in which frequency is just one factor in the overall
equation. Other factors and dimensions (external to the person themselves) include :
* stake size (including issues around affordability, perceived value for money)
* event frequency (time gap between each gamble)
* amount of money lost in a given time period (important in chasing)
* prize structures (number and value of prizes)
* probability of winning (e.g. 1 in 14 million on the lottery)
* size of jackpot (e.g. over £1 million on the lottery)
* skill and pseudo-skill elements (actual or perceived)
* "near miss" opportunities (i.e. optimal number of near winning situations)
* light and colour effects (e.g. use of red lights on slot machines)
* sound effects (e.g. use of buzzers or musical tunes to indicate winning on slot machines)
* social or asocial nature of the game (individual and/or group activity)
* accessibility (e.g. opening times, membership rules)
* accessibility (e.g. number of outlets)
* location of gambling establishment (out of town, next to workplace etc.)
* type of gambling establishment (e.g. betting shop, amusement arcade etc.)
* advertising (e.g. television commercials)
* the rules of the game

Samo ova jedna rečenica govori koliko su oni duboko istraživali celu stvar... "Near Miss" je jedan veliki no-no u celoj gaming industriji, i nema teoretske šanse da mašina koja ne poštuje to pravilo prođe u bilo kojoj jurisdikciji na svetu, a kamoli neku sertifikaciju...

Evo recimo šta kaže GLI standard:

4.3.1 Game Selection Process

b) NO NEAR MISS. After selection of the game outcome, the gaming device shall not make a variable secondary decision, which affects the result shown to the player. For instance, the random number generator chooses an outcome that the game will be a loser. The game shall not substitute a particular type of loser to show to the player. This would eliminate the possibility of simulating a 'Near Miss' scenario where the odds of the top award symbol landing on the payline are limited but frequently appear above or below the payline;

Pričati da je "Near Miss" loš je apsurdno koliko i pričati da je loše igrača koji igra na slot mašini upucati i oteti sav novac... Jeste, sigurno da je loše, ali je problem što se ne dešava...
Odgovor na temu

Ivan Dimkovic

Ivan Dimkovic
Član broj: 13
Poruke: 16696

+7181 Profil

icon Re: "Džek pot" za nezaposlene! 'Ajmo!!!!17.03.2010. u 16:19 - pre 173 meseci
Kako ne tvrdis .Rekao si za sve to da je B.S. Automatski si sve odbacio tako sto ti procitao bottom-line
Ako kazes NE onda negde mora postojati i tvoje DA :)
A recimo meni je zanimljiv onaj odeljak "Event frequency" i cenim da je tacan 100%

Nisam samo ja rekao da je BS, vec su sami autori konstatovali da je njihov rad BS - pa ja tu konstataciju prenosim i sa njom se slazem, a sta drugo.

Napisati ono sto su napisali (da su izvori varijabilnog kvaliteta te da u iznosenju zakljucaka nije uzeta kompletna slika), u naucnom svetu jeste sinonim za BS. Samo se ne pise BS kako bi ipak mogao da putujes na simpozijum, ili da dobijes kinticu od onih koji su porucili rad.

A evo, ukljucio se i neko ko malo bolje poznaje materiju, sa detekcijom jos BS-a... :-)
DigiCortex (ex. SpikeFun) - Cortical Neural Network Simulator: Videos: Gallery:
PowerMonkey - Redyce CPU Power Waste and gain performance! -
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 4832
Poruke: 2066

+419 Profil

icon Re: "Džek pot" za nezaposlene! 'Ajmo!!!!17.03.2010. u 18:08 - pre 173 meseci
Nemam običaj da ostavljam dugačke postove, ali tekst stvarno vredi pročitati .

NASP Communiqué, Vol. 35, #7
May 2007
Gambling in Childhood and Adolescence: Information for School Personnel
By Emily M. Verbeke & Karin Dittrick-Nathan, PhD
University of Denver
Definition and Characteristics

Gambling often is thought of as an adult behavior but in recent years the appeal of gambling has increased among youth. Youth gambling is similar to adult gambling in that it is an activity that implies an element of risk, where money or something of sentimental or monetary value could be won or lost by the participant. Specifically, youth gambling activities can include sports betting, poker, dice, bingo, cards/dice/ slot machines not at a casino, cockfights, games of skill (basketball, bowling, golf, and pool), horse or greyhound racing, pitching quarters, internet gambling, raffles, scratch-and-win tickets, state-run lottery games, and pull tabs. Video game playing is not typically considered gambling since one does not bet on the result of the game. Youth problem gambling also causes disruptions in major areas of life (psychological, physical, social, and educational/vocational) and is considered to be a progressive addiction characterized by:
Increasing preoccupation with gambling
A need to bet more money more frequently
Restlessness or irritability when attempting to stop
“Chasing” losses (increasing bets to make up for previous losses)
Loss of control manifested by continuation of gambling in spite of mounting, serious negative consequences

Often there are questions about youth gambling such as, is it illegal? Is gambling an addiction? How does it differ from other forms of addiction?

Illegal activity? First, gambling age requirements differ from state to state and country to country as well as varying minimum age requirements for types of gaming (casino gambling versus playing the lottery).

A general rule of thumb is that gambling is legal for a young adult eighteen years of age or older. However, because of the many variations in gambling laws individuals should check local regulations. Gambling versus other addictions. Gambling is similar to other addictions such as drug and alcohol abuse in several ways but is different in other significant ways. Problem gamblers like drug or alcohol abusers have an inability to stop or control their behavior. Problem gamblers and persons addicted to substances are preoccupied with their addiction and need to engage in the behavior increasingly to achieve a satisfactory “high.” A significant difference between problem gambling and substance abuse is that gambling is often a “hidden” addiction not readily visible or detectable. Another significant difference is the severe financial impact gambling has on a gambler’s life. Once an individual decides to stop drinking, he or she is on the road to recovery. However, once an individual stops gambling, there still remains the pressure to account for what are usually very large sums of lost money. This fact creates even more of a temptation to “chase losses” in an attempt to win money to alleviate debt. Also, all addictions can result in negative social and emotional consequences but problem gamblers do not experience damaging physical effects (e.g. overdose, liver damage, impaired judgment) as a direct result of the gambling behavior. However, problem gamblers experience severe social consequences related to deception and loss of trust of friends and loved ones.

Why youth engage in gambling. There are four types of gamblers: social gamblers, at-risk gamblers, problem gamblers, and pathological gamblers. Individuals not only gamble for fun but also because of the potential to win money, to experience the excitement they feel from gambling, to “escape” from problems at home, school or other areas, and to alleviate feelings of depression, loneliness or other unpleasant moods. A youth’s propensity to gamble is usually increased because of a need for immediate gratification, a hope to “get rich quick,” a means of increasing social standing, or a feeling of disconnect at home, school or other settings, as well as increased access to gambling through the internet (Vitaro, Arseneault, & Tremblay, 1999; Ladouceur, Boudreault, Jacques, & Vitaro, 1999).

Prevalence. Canadian studies of students in the 7th through 11th graders (Ladouceur, Boudreaul, Jacques, & Vitaro, 1999) and 4th through 6th graders (Ladouceur, Dube, & Bujold, 1994) have indicated that approximately 87% have gambled at least once in their lifetime. In another study, 47% percent of seventh-grade children in Massachusetts had purchased lottery tickets during their lifetime and nearly 3% percent had purchased lottery tickets between 6 and 19 times during the past month (Shaffer, 1994). In an analysis of United States and Canadian youth gambling studies, Shaffer and Hall (1996) found that between 4.4% and 7.4% of adolescents exhibit problem and pathological gambling behaviors. Approximately 5.4% of adults can be considered problem gamblers, thus levels of problem and pathological gambling in adolescents could possibly be more prevalent than in the adult population.
Risk Factors

Youth with high levels of certain personality characteristics such as impulsivity, extroversion, and sensation seeking may be at higher risk for developing a gambling problem (Dickson, Derevensky, & Gupta, 2002). Current research suggests that more males than females are problem gamblers (Dickson et al., 2002). Youth with lower self-esteem compared to other adolescents are at risk for developing a gambling problem. Youth problem gamblers are likely to have a parent with an addiction (gambling, alcohol, or drug) or have parents involved with illegal activities. Parents of youth problem gamblers often have a lack of knowledge about adolescent problem gambling. As with many addictions, youth problem gamblers have higher rates of depression, suicidal ideation, and suicide attempts (Dickson et al., 2002). Please note each case of problem gambling is unique. The above list includes trends within the research on problem gambling, not exclusive characteristics. For example, females can have serious gambling problems even though research indicates males are more frequently identified as problem gamblers.
Signs and Symptoms

Youth gamblers engage in many different types of gambling activities and will often display different signs and symptoms possibly indicating they have a gambling problem. The following may be observed as symptoms of youth gambling:

Associated Behavioral Changes at Home and School
Unexplained absences from school
Dropping grades
Asking for/borrowing money from peers
Withdrawal from the family
Behavior changes (e.g., day dreaming, anxious, moody, less participative, appears tired in class, changes in sleeping and eating patterns)
Lying, cheating, or stealing in school
Spending unusual amount of time reading newspapers, magazines, and/or periodicals having to do with sports
Selling personal belongings
Unexplained charges on credit card bills
Unexplained large amounts of money or other material possessions (e.g., cars, clothes, jewelry)

Gambling Specific Behaviors
Playing gambling type games on the internet
Intense interest in gambling conversations
Using gambling “lingo” in his/her conversations (e.g., bookie, point spread, underdog or favorite, exaggerated use of the word “bet”)
Bragging about winnings
Evaluation and Treatment

There are several tools to evaluate the existence or level of problem gambling in youths (see Instruments for Screening and Classification at the end of this handout). Most of the questionnaires are self-report measures and have less than twenty questions, allowing them to be quick and easy tools to use as a screening tool. Many tools have been modified to address gambling behaviors specific to youth and adolescents and are not specifically designed for youth gamblers. Caution should be taken with these instruments because their purpose is to serve as screening instruments, not as diagnostic instruments. Researchers are continuing to develop tools specific to youth and adolescent gambling. Teachers should consult mental health personnel (school psychologist, social worker, counselor) regarding concerns that might prompt screening.

As awareness of the problem of youth gambling grows, knowledge of effective treatment practices continues to grow. Just as with other addictive behaviors, cognitive-behavioral approaches can be successful with youth problem gamblers. A key aspect of treatment is helping gamblers identify their erroneous thoughts, correct them, and help them develop skills to monitor their thinking about gambling and develop replacement behaviors. An important difference between gambling addiction and other substance addictions is that gamblers cannot easily get rid of their debt. Collaborative problem-solving about debt reduction can help the gamblers feel less desperate. Self-help groups such as Gamblers Anonymous (GA) can be a very valuable part of a gambler’s recovery process. Just as screening tools were initially developed for adults, GA was created for adult gamblers. The effectiveness of GA’s self-help method of treatment has not been documented for adolescents. Another self-help group for close family members of a problem gambler is Gam-Anon which meets regularly to share their experiences, strength and hope in coping with their family member’s gambling problem.
What Schools Can Do to Help

School psychologists, social workers, and other school-based mental health professionals have a unique opportunity to identify students with potential gambling problems. Since the symptoms of youth problem gambling are not visible, professionals within the schools should routinely inquire about gambling similar to how we routinely inquire about drug and alcohol use. Schools can facilitate prevention, identification, and treatment for youth problem gamblers. School personnel can link families and students with resources within the community. It is important to ask a young person if he or she has gambled before and if they are experiencing some of the indicators that suggest there may be a problem. If a young person admits to having a gambling problem, get professional help from within the community at large as well as within the school.

Mental health professionals within the school should also closely monitor students whose parents having a known gambling problem. Children of problem gamblers are at higher risk of developing a gambling problem themselves (Gupta & Derevensky, 1998). They may also experience significant stress within the family if a parent is experiencing a gambling problem.

Effective prevention models should include the following (Dickson, Derevensky & Gupta, 2002):
Activities that increase knowledge about youth gambling problems
Experiences that help modify and change the attitude that gambling is always a harmless behavior
Discussions to help change faulty cognitions concerning the role of skill and luck, the illusion of control during gambling
Demonstrations and hands-on exercises to gain an understanding of statistical probability and superstition
Opportunities for students to learn successful coping and adaptive skills that would prevent the development of problem gambling

Prevention does not require implementation of a brand new program during the school day. Often, gambling prevention activities can be easily added to current prevention programs such as substance abuse prevention programs. Life skill classes may also be an appropriate and effective way to address problem gambling, especially during a discussion of money management. Also, discussions of probability and the role of skill and luck can occur within the math curriculum. Simply adding the topic of gambling to the discussion of addictions can raise awareness and encourage the perception that gambling can be a harmful behavior. Schools can choose to implement an independent prevention program or include problem gambling awareness and prevention in existing drug and alcohol abuse prevention programs.

Gambling has become more accepted than ever before as a past-time not only for adults but also for youth. With the widespread proliferation of gambling opportunities, an increase in gambling problems is also becoming evident. As first responders, school professionals have a unique opportunity to facilitate prevention, identification, and treatment of youth problem gamblers and to recognize the impact of problem gambling on families.

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Član broj: 174418
Poruke: 1189

+395 Profil

icon Re: "Džek pot" za nezaposlene! 'Ajmo!!!!17.03.2010. u 18:11 - pre 173 meseci
Ne kazem da je sve to tacno . Ima tu sigurno raznih BS-ova.
I onako je rad od pre 20 god.Pretpostavljam da se mnogo toga promenilo .
Nego me interesuje "event frequency" tj. frekvencija ponavljanja igre .
Najizrazeniji je kod poker aparata i onih slot masina vockica .
Zato su u Norveskoj discard-ovali 15.000 slot masina ,.
Tu postoji i najveca sansa za navlacenje jer je veca ucestalost uloga i ocekivanje dobitka u jedinici vremena .
(da ne kopiram sad ovde procitajte veoma lepo obrazlozeno) .

U tekstu da to ne postoji kod sportbetting-a jer je to na nedeljnoj bazi (kao i obicna lutrija , Loto itd ).
Nekad bila sportska prognoza pa je igras subotom ili nedeljom , a danas posle 20-30 godina ta frekvencija igre je na dnevnoj bazi .
U kladionicama imas milion nekih sampionata , mnogo sportova, skoro svaki 2. dan neka utakmica na TV + 10 kablovksih kanala sa ostalim.
Cak i kad je pauza na leto , igraju tamo neke Svedjane 3. ligu .

A sta je sa ovim tackama ?

* probability of winning (e.g. 1 in 14 million on the lottery)
* amount of money lost in a given time period (important in chasing)
* social or asocial nature of the game (individual and/or group activity)
* location of gambling establishment (out of town, next to workplace etc.)
* advertising (e.g. television commercials)

Ili je i to BS ?

Viva lollapalooza
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Ivan Dimkovic

Ivan Dimkovic
Član broj: 13
Poruke: 16696

+7181 Profil

icon Re: "Džek pot" za nezaposlene! 'Ajmo!!!!17.03.2010. u 18:25 - pre 173 meseci


Gambling in Childhood and Adolescence: Information for School Personnel

Koliko mi je poznato, u Srbiji je zakonom zabranjeno kockanje za ove kategorije. Mislim da neces naci nikoga na ovom forumu ko smatra da kockanje za maloletne osobe treba da bude legalno.

Tako da...
DigiCortex (ex. SpikeFun) - Cortical Neural Network Simulator: Videos: Gallery:
PowerMonkey - Redyce CPU Power Waste and gain performance! -
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Član broj: 4832
Poruke: 2066

+419 Profil

icon Re: "Džek pot" za nezaposlene! 'Ajmo!!!!17.03.2010. u 18:37 - pre 173 meseci
Ko to kontroliše, kad čovek u jednom od pređašnjih postova reče da je jedan od uslova za pripajanje lokala sistemu kockarnica blizina škole. Zašto ? Zakon postoji a ko ga sprovodi ? Zbog čega kladionice i kockarnice imaju zatamljena stakla. Šta se tu krije ? Ili se to radi da ljudi kada uđu unutra izgube pojam o vremenu ?
Odgovor na temu

Ivan Dimkovic

Ivan Dimkovic
Član broj: 13
Poruke: 16696

+7181 Profil

icon Re: "Džek pot" za nezaposlene! 'Ajmo!!!!17.03.2010. u 18:41 - pre 173 meseci
Kontrolise policija.

Ako ne kontrolise dobro, onda je TO problem, a ne samo postojanje kladionica.


Zbog čega kladionice i kockarnice imaju zatamljena stakla.

Iz istog razloga zbog kojeg i bordeli / nocni klubovi i sl.. imaju zatamljena stakla - posto se radi o sadrzaju za one iznad 18.


Šta se tu krije ? Ili se to radi da ljudi kada uđu unutra izgube pojam o vremenu ?

Ne krije se nista posto svaka punoletna osoba moze da udje unutra, ali verovatno ljudi ne zele da u njih zijaju prolaznici - ili neko dete, pa da neki "zabrinuti roditelj" zacepi tuzbu.
DigiCortex (ex. SpikeFun) - Cortical Neural Network Simulator: Videos: Gallery:
PowerMonkey - Redyce CPU Power Waste and gain performance! -
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 4832
Poruke: 2066

+419 Profil

icon Re: "Džek pot" za nezaposlene! 'Ajmo!!!!17.03.2010. u 18:59 - pre 173 meseci
Gledaj, ja nisam za to da se kladionice ukinu. Neka one postoje pa ko voli - iako je to kao što se iz gornjeg teksta vidi jako diskutabilno. Ono što se sada vidi je da lova leži u onim poslovima u kojima postoji šansa da se kod ljudi izazove zavisnost bilo da je to pušenje, alkoholizam, narkomanija, kocka pa i određene vrste hrane. Poenta je mlade ljude u što većoj meri poštedeti toga do trenutka dok ne postanu punoletni. Posle toga odgovaraju sami za svoje postupke.
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